

Temple B’nai Israel Sisterhood is a supportive and caring community of women that provides innumerable benefits to our synagogue, our religious school, the community at large and you, our valued members.

We, the Sisterhood of Temple B’nai Israel, are an organization that supports the progressive principles of Reform Judaism. We aspire to be inclusive and to engage in the pursuit of Gemilut Hasadim (Acts of Kindness), Tikkun Olam (Healing the World through Social Action) and Tzedakah (Righteousness). We support Temple B’nai Israel and seek to promote the continuity of Judaism. 

Sisterhood meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Membership is open to all women and TBI synagogue membership is not required.  Those interested in joining may complete a Membership Application.  Annual Membership Dues are $36.00.   

Sisterhood’s chosen Tzedakah project is Family Service Agency of Bay County. To learn more about Family Service Agency visit

Sisterhood coordinates the annual Passover Seder and conducts Book Club several times per year to discuss works written by Jewish authors and/or of Jewish significance.